Not sure if this book is right for you? See what our readers have to say...
Hockey Fans:
"As hockey fans, we know there is more to “home ice advantage” than having the last line change. It’s having the fans cheering and the building bouncing, pushing the home team to the next level. Goals and penalties are celebrated with music, chants, cheers and jeers which differ from N.Y. to L.A., Calgary to Carolina, Detroit to Dallas and Miami to Minneapolis. In The Hockey Tour, we get to see how fans in every venue root for their boys while giving the visitors a hard time. It’s also a great guide for fans who want to take a road trip of their own to see how the other half lives, have some fun and maybe even get in a boo or two! The Hockey Tour gets a high recommendation from this fan!"
Sports Fans:
"What an inspiring book!!! An amazing & adventurous journey these two fans took on!!! To actually take the plunge and 'go for it!!! 'Would recommend this book if you want to enjoy the adventure for your self!!!"
"This book was more than just about hockey! Although if you are a hockey fan, you will thoroughly enjoy all the detailed info! I felt like I was on their journey, learned some great traveling lessons, got some great ideas, felt their gratitude, passion, and most of all it made me start thinking not only about a bucket list, but what I could do to make those seemingly unattainable thoughts a reality. Great read and a great gift!"
"The title of the book is The Hockey Tour. But this book is only incidentally about hockey. It is a journey story. It is a story about two young ladies who, after having been inspired by the movie The Bucket List, began to contemplate their own 'bucket lists.' The authors take the reader on their journey, from the early planning stages to its conclusion. Their goal: to watch at least one hockey game at each of the 30 NHL arenas in one season. Their love and passion for the game come through loud and clear in this book. The authors challenge the reader to think about what they would do if given the opportunity to throw caution to the wind for several months and embark on such a journey just for the love of it. At the end of the book, the reader is encouraged: “Whatever it is that you are passionate about, whatever it is that drives you, whatever it is that you feel you are meant to do, don’t wait. Do it now.” What is your 'bucket list' journey? You will, no doubt, reflect on this question while reading this book. Hockey might not be your thing. Your bucket list journey might be another sport, or another venue entirely, or traveling to places you’ve always wanted to go, or meeting people you’ve always wanted to meet…etc. Anything. Think of that one thing you’ve always wanted to do, but never had the courage or discipline to carry out. This is the story of two young ladies who thought about these things, and then acted on those thoughts. They followed their bliss. This book is packed with a lot of information about each of the games they attended. Look for a few surprises as well. Enjoy."
Book Review:
"In The Hockey Tour, Abrahams and Benson have described hockey fans from coast to coast. Like thirty snapshots, the stories of their experiences at each of the arenas are fan selfies. And like all good snapshot it enlivens the hockey family demonstrating what holds the culture together in North America while also providing some of the local takes in the individual cities. Their sojourn takes them from San Jose to Boston. The vignettes are engaging and told in the first person, fuels the effort with light and powerful energy. If you wonder why people get so excited about hockey, Abrahams and Benson have provided a fine introduction. If you already know but are curious about the fan culture at other hockey hubs, pick THE HOCKEY TOUR up."
-Lem, MD, PhD, author